Profile Picturejune


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This is a hi-poly sculpt made for fem Miqo'te and Au Ra!
There are also two eye heterocromia options, four makeup options, full lash and brow retexture, five face toggles (ear flaps/vanilla horns, moles, elf ears, three face gemstones placements and custom horns with two color coptions - you can toggle them in glamourer or the aesthetician), custom normal maps, custom eye retexture, custom teeth and tongue (both poseable), and five lash color options!

Gems are colorsettable on row 8A!

Known Issues: Shape keys are disabled except for the eyes! Emotes are not perfect, especially the Pucker Up emote. Au Ra limbal rings are disabled for the sculpt!

Huge thanks to Eden for making my thumbnail as always <3
Also big thanks to Yuria for the Au Ra Face Devkit!

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Feel free to use the hashtag #juneglams to show me your amazing screens using my stuff! ^0^

Quick TOS:
All sales are final, so no refunds/chargebacks!!!
I ask you kindly not to resell or redistribute my work,
nor to use my handpainted textures as a resource.
I also allow every type of edit as long as they remain private, so please do not release them as your own!

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